Know Better, Do Better


Begin Your Credit Education Journey

Credit 101 & Beyond

Your Credit Score journey has found the right path. Take your first steps with our FREE Credit 101 through Credit 401 content.

Credit 101

-What are the basics of credit scores?
-What makes up my credit profile?

Credit 201

-How do I build credit?
-What are the three important dates for any credit account?

Credit 301

-How do I set myself up for lending success?
-Should I trust online banking institutions like Chime?

Credit 401

-Is there any one letter that will absolve me of the debt that I owe?
-What are my rights when going through the debt settlement process?

Welcome to Credit 101! This is step one, the proper foundation that will lead you to +800 mortgage scores as quickly as possible.
If you are over the age of 19 and your mortgage scores are not over 800, then you do not understand credit management. That’s a fact.
We are here to teach you how to do it yourself.
If you lack time or confidence, you can hire us for one-on-one credit problem solving, but we would rather teach you how
to do it for yourself.

-Brian Chamberlain-

Credit Score Specialist


Teaching others how to get the best rates and terms since 1997